Wednesday 31 August 2011

4 books now available in 'The Destiny Series'

I'm pleased to announce that 4 out of the five books in  'The Destiny Series' are now available in book form and Kindle.

I am currently proof reading the 5th and final book of the series and hope it will be ready for publishing at ether the end of the year or the beginning of 2012.

I've found proof reading gets easier. I read through and edit a couple of times on my PC and then print out the whole book and read it through, marking errors/changes as read through. I've found the diferent format works for me. Then I make the edits and read through again.

The more you read through your work, I've found the better it gets, it tends to flow better with little tweeks here and there.

I read quite a lot and I now often find errors in a lot of other authers books, simple things though that are not easy to pick up on.

For example I, for some unknown reason, often type OUT insead of PUT - your eyes and brain read what should be there and often don't notice something like this.

I have had some feedback recently and I've been told that my books are improoving, which is good to hear.

If anyone reads this, I would love to hear what your methods are for proof reading.